Red Russian Kale

Red Russian Kale

通常価格 ¥420
単価  あたり 
税込 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。


Get this bouquet of kale with little bitterness and still maintains the creamy kale taste. Great eaten raw in salads or eaten as stir-fries. Goes well with olive oil. Relatively delicate, should be kept refrigerated. One unit is NOT 3-4 leaves, it is easily double that and more.

At just 33 calories, one cup of raw kale has:

  • Nearly 3 grams of protein
  • 2.5 grams of fiber (which helps manage blood sugar and makes you feel full)
  • Vitamins A, C, and K
  • Folate, a B vitamin that’s key for brain development
  • Alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. (While kale has far less omega-3 than fish, it is another way to get some of this healthy fat into your diet.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that give kale its deep, dark green coloring and protect against macular degeneration and cataracts Minerals including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and zinc

Weight per bundle: Approximately 200g.


